How to Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Looking to spice things up in the bedroom? These 21 women have shared their top tips for getting things started in the sex department, and let's just say they do not disappoint. From subtle seduction to straightforward approaches, there's something for everyone. So if you're ready to take your sex life to the next level, be sure to check out their expert advice here.

Initiating sex can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people, regardless of gender. However, it's important to remember that initiating sex can also be an empowering and exciting experience. In this article, we'll hear from 21 women about how they initiate sex and the different ways they approach this intimate and important aspect of their relationships.

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Setting the Stage

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Before we dive into the specific ways that women initiate sex, it's important to discuss the importance of setting the stage. For many women, the lead-up to sex is just as important as the act itself. This can include creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere, engaging in meaningful conversation, and ensuring that both partners are comfortable and relaxed.

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Flirting and Teasing

Many women initiate sex through flirting and teasing. This can involve playful banter, subtle touches, and suggestive comments. For some women, this approach allows them to gauge their partner's interest and build anticipation before making a more direct move.

Initiating Conversation

For other women, initiating sex begins with a conversation. This can involve expressing their desires and fantasies to their partner, discussing their feelings and needs, and creating an open dialogue about their sexual relationship. This approach can help to build intimacy and trust, and ensure that both partners are on the same page.

Physical Touch

Physical touch is a powerful way to initiate sex for many women. This can involve initiating cuddling, kissing, and other forms of physical affection that gradually escalate into more intimate contact. For some women, this approach allows them to gauge their partner's interest and build anticipation before making a more direct move.

Planning a Date Night

Many women initiate sex by planning a special date night with their partner. This can involve creating a romantic atmosphere, engaging in activities that promote intimacy, and setting aside dedicated time for each other. This approach can help to create a sense of anticipation and excitement, and provide an opportunity for both partners to connect on a deeper level.

Surprising Their Partner

Some women enjoy surprising their partner with a spontaneous and unexpected initiation of sex. This can involve initiating sex in a new and unexpected location, wearing lingerie or other special attire, or surprising their partner with a romantic gesture. This approach can help to keep the spark alive in a relationship and create a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Taking Charge

For some women, initiating sex involves taking charge and being assertive. This can involve making the first move, expressing their desires with confidence, and taking an active role in initiating sexual contact. This approach can be empowering and can help to create a sense of excitement and anticipation for both partners.

Expressing Desire

Expressing desire is a straightforward and direct way for many women to initiate sex. This can involve expressing their physical attraction to their partner, communicating their desire for intimacy, and making it clear that they are interested in being sexually intimate. This approach can help to create a sense of clarity and openness in a relationship, and ensure that both partners feel desired and valued.

Being Playful

For some women, initiating sex involves being playful and lighthearted. This can involve using humor and playfulness to create a relaxed and fun atmosphere, and to signal their interest in a non-threatening way. This approach can help to create a sense of fun and excitement, and can make the experience of initiating sex feel less daunting.


Initiating sex can take many different forms, and can be a deeply personal and unique experience for each individual. By hearing from 21 women about their experiences with initiating sex, we can gain valuable insight into the different ways that women approach this important aspect of their relationships. Whether it's through flirting and teasing, initiating conversation, physical touch, planning a date night, surprising their partner, taking charge, expressing desire, or being playful, it's clear that there are many different ways for women to initiate sex and to create a sense of excitement and intimacy in their relationships.